Community Gardens & School Gardens
What are community gardens?
an area of publicly or privately-owned land, rooftop, or other space managed and maintained by individuals, and/or non-profit organizations, to grow and harvest food crops and/or non-food ornamental crops for personal or group use, consumption or donation
Source: City of Cambridge Official Plan, 2011
Community gardens may be:
- Separate plots
- Farmed collectively, and/or
- Including common areas to be managed and utilized by community garden members.

Local community gardens

Seeks to connect people with resources in an effort to increase food production and build community. Formed in response to COVID19 and the food insecurity that was all too common before the pandemic.
Related reports in the Region
- Gardens for Healthy Schools (.pdf)
- Cultivating Community: Connecting community gardens and crime prevention
- The Diggable Communities Collaborative: The power of partnership in strengthening community gardens in the Region of Waterloo
- Finding the relationship between designing of community gardens and issues of local economic development