2 min read
Written by Kim Bretz

I was wondering how much of a difference there could be in getting Tim Horton’s coffee in different sizes now that they’re offering an even bigger coffee at a full 24 ounces. And while it turns out they haven’t added the larger size to their nutritional counter yet…it’s not looking good.
For those people who get black coffee, larger sizes mean more caffeine and more liquid that is not simply water. But for those who like to get their ‘double double’ what’s the damage on calories?
A small (which is now extra small) double double coffee has 110 calories per serving, 6 grams of fat and 12 grams of carbs which are all sugar based. The extra large (which is now large) double double has 280 calories, 14 grams of fat and 34 grams of sugar. And this isn’t even the largest size right now!!!
The difference between getting (in the new sizes) extra small to large is 170 calories (and even more if you’re getting the new extra large). For people who drink this daily it is the equivalent of an extra 5100 calories monthly. Which equals an extra 62 050 calories in a year or just under 18 pounds.
Never forget the calories you get from beverages. Even those simple, non-specialty coffees can pack a huge punch of calories, fat and sugar.
Oh — and just in case you were wondering, a Mars bar has 240 calories with 9 grams of fat and 30 grams of sugar. Less than the large double double from Tim Hortons. Not good.
To read more of Dr Kim Bretz’s blogs, see http://www.fundamentalsofhealth.ca/.